breakaway groups and how to avoid them

With Brexit just around the corner, the cracks within the UK government are getting larger, adding even more pressure to our UK leaders.  In mid-February we saw 8 of Corbyn’s team leave Labour and set up the Independent Group. Last week we saw 3 MPs from the Conservatives join forces with the Independent Group.  An unlikely collaboration; however, with the UK press reporting this moment in time as a “potential political earthquake” we look to consider from an HR perspective what we can learn from the party breakdowns.

One of the main reasons why MPs have left to create the new party is due to trust in the current leadership. The MPs reported they were disappointed with their leaders because they are not meeting their expectations. The employee/employer relationship incorporates how each party will meet the other parties’ expectations.  This should be clearly defined at the outset, so expectations are managed and met, and there is no need for breakaway groups.

During times of change, it is important employers involve and listen to their employees as much as possible.   All 11 MPs in the Independent Group reported they did not feel like they were being listened to and their needs were not being met.  Inevitably, changing times often mean management teams can tend to hide away, emerging with a plan.  However, this can make employees feel like change is being done to them rather than with them, resulting in them feeling out of the loop.

shared goals
Having the same agenda and knowing how to get there would have been very useful during the Brexit process (understatement of the year). By all knowing the goals, the direction of the business and the team will create shared goals.  This creates a sense of team and community.

Like the politicians it may not all run smoothly, but by discussing options and keeping the end goal in mind, successful conclusions can be reached.


Brexit is an unsettling time for all businesses, however it demonstrates a brilliant lesson of how important trust, transparency and shared goals are in business.

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